Thursday, January 2, 2020

Victimless Crime - 1399 Words

Victimless crime is defined as a violation of community standards or an illicit act against a government policy or agency (Wisegeek, 2009) yet, which neither directly harms nor violates the rights of any specific person, although some people may claim it harms society as a whole. Many people consider such acts as drunk driving, prostitution, public drunkenness, assisting someone to die at his or her request, using drugs, white-collar crimes, and abortion to be victimless crimes. They feel, as though there are no individual victims for these crimes; no one is being hurt or directly affected, so there is no crime being committed. In this paper, I will discuss the effects that these crimes have not only on the individuals that commit the†¦show more content†¦In this scandal, many people in upper management made quite a bit of money off the employees of the corporation, leaving them jobless and broke with no retirement. (Enron Scandal, 2008) Tax evasion is not considered to be as big of a crime as accounting fraud because of the publicity that accounting fraud receives in comparison to tax evasion. The only times that you really hear about tax evasion is when it includes big movies stars or government officials. Such people in the news lately would include Wesley Snipes, Richard Pryor, Martha Stewart, Don King, and the latest, Tom Daschle. Christopher M. Sigerson of the IRS, (2008) said it best when he said, â€Å"We should not forget that the ultimate victims in tax fraud cases are the people of the United States and those who do not pay their fair share cheat their neighbors and their country.† When people commit tax fraud, the victims are the rest of the law-obeying citizens that do pay their taxes, the â€Å"common† people. Drug abuse, another crimes that is considered victimless, actually has many victims. Not only the abuser, who becomes a victim to the addiction, becomes a victim in this crime. They become a victim to the dr ug as their body becomes dependant on the substance. Recent studies have shown that every year in the United States there is an estimated 320,000 babies born addicted to some form of drugs. Withdraw will happen in 55 to 94 percent of all infants exposed to heroin or other opiates.Show MoreRelatedIs Victimless Crimes Is Defined As A Victimless Crime933 Words   |  4 Pageschose to write about is Victimless Crimes. I will be defining the term as well as discussing a few of the known victimless crimes along with the penalty/punishment for each in the states of Alabama, Kentucky and Michigan. A victimless crime is defined as an incident or crime where there is no distinct victim Crimes. There are many different crimes that can be categorized as a Victimless Crime. 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Libertarianism says the government is set up to offer protection for each of us against the initiation of force by others. They say this gives us the â€Å"moral space† in which to live our own lives in our own chosen way-even if that means choosing to use drugs. A person under the influence of illegal drugs isRead MoreThe Crime Of A Victimless Crime908 Words   |  4 PagesA victimless crime is a term used to refer to actions that have been made illegal but which do not directly violate or threaten the rights of any other individual. It often involves consensual acts or solitary acts in which no other person is involved. Such acts would not lead to any person calling for help from the police. Therefore, many people will argue that drug dealing,use, and abuse is a victimless crime, but they are wrong. W e have to ask ourselves what makes a crime a crime? 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