Tuesday, December 17, 2019

An Analysis of Harriet Byrd From The Natural Essay example

In movies there is always a villain or bad guy to ruin someone’s life or career. The only reason why they go after that person is because of jealously, money, or hatred. It is not always easy for villains or temptresses to get their targets, so they have to come up with clever ideas to lure their victims in. In the movie The Natural Harriet Byrd’s killing spree started off as jealously towards people who are very experienced in what they do and only want fame and fortune from it. When Harriet sees how much potential Roy Hobbs has in playing baseball, she then tries figures out what he wants from his extraordinary talent making him her next victim due to his answer. Evidence that exemplifies Harriet as the seducer is when she first†¦show more content†¦Some characteristics that prove Harriet as a dark person is when she is always in dimmed to dark lighting, and never showing all of her face. Harriet’s whole persona is edgy and unusual, so for a first impression she should make you quite aware what kind of person she is and leave you with your guard up. Another scene that shows Harriet’s seductive ways is when she and Roy are talking in the dining car on the train. Harriet first approaches him late one night when she sees Roy sitting alone, and the train is going through a dark tunnel which causes the car to become dark with dim flickering lights. She then invites herself to joining him at his table, and starts asking questions focused on him. One question that Harriet asked was â€Å"what do you want from being a baseball player† and when Roy replied â€Å"to be the best there ever was and will be† she was not satisfied with his answer and asked confused â€Å"is that it?† finally trying to settle with his answer. From that point on we start to realize how Harriet is having mixed feelings with Roy when they are about to kiss, but a second later when there lips are about to touch she disappears into the dark. An example that gives an even deeper look into Harriet’s archetypal character is when Roy is finally at his hotel. A mysterious thing Harriet did was when she called Roy’s room and then told him to come up to her room. But since Roy didn’t see anything wrong with that at the time he went on up to her room without a second

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