Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Peace And Love

Some people believe Humanity can have Utopia now. They believe Humanity has everything necessary for a Utopia, and that humans just have to better utilize what they have now and enjoy the same. The World Game Institute has prepared the most comprehensive statement of this position and posted the same at worldgame.org/wwwproject/index.shtml. The Institute has identified various programs and policies that could provide for food, water, shelter, health care, energy and education for every person in the world, while eliminating all major environmental problems. Without a solution, more than 800 million people will remain malnourished, large segments of the population will continue to suffer from preventable diseases, and over 40 million people will die each year from starvation or preventable diseases. Additionally, plant and animal extinction, deforestation, soil erosion, ozone depletion, and other major environmental problems will continue. The combined total cost of implementing corre ctive programs is 30% of the world's total annual military expenditures, or 234 billion dollars. Society's bystanding at this mass human slaughter because of improper use of available resources constitutes complicity in murder. If one is not convinced of the imperative need to solve such problems for humanitarian reasons, then it should be noted that the resulting benefits of an overall enhanced quality of life, increased global productivity, and environmental preservation, clearly exceed the costs of these programs. Being in tune with ourselves and nature, and wisely using our current resources is an excellent start for having a better world. Life is full of wonder and beauty and should be cherished and enjoyed by everyone. However, Humanity can, and should, do better, such as finding cures for all disease.... Free Essays on Peace And Love Free Essays on Peace And Love Some people believe Humanity can have Utopia now. They believe Humanity has everything necessary for a Utopia, and that humans just have to better utilize what they have now and enjoy the same. The World Game Institute has prepared the most comprehensive statement of this position and posted the same at worldgame.org/wwwproject/index.shtml. The Institute has identified various programs and policies that could provide for food, water, shelter, health care, energy and education for every person in the world, while eliminating all major environmental problems. Without a solution, more than 800 million people will remain malnourished, large segments of the population will continue to suffer from preventable diseases, and over 40 million people will die each year from starvation or preventable diseases. Additionally, plant and animal extinction, deforestation, soil erosion, ozone depletion, and other major environmental problems will continue. The combined total cost of implementing corre ctive programs is 30% of the world's total annual military expenditures, or 234 billion dollars. Society's bystanding at this mass human slaughter because of improper use of available resources constitutes complicity in murder. If one is not convinced of the imperative need to solve such problems for humanitarian reasons, then it should be noted that the resulting benefits of an overall enhanced quality of life, increased global productivity, and environmental preservation, clearly exceed the costs of these programs. Being in tune with ourselves and nature, and wisely using our current resources is an excellent start for having a better world. Life is full of wonder and beauty and should be cherished and enjoyed by everyone. However, Humanity can, and should, do better, such as finding cures for all disease....

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