Thursday, October 31, 2019

Junk 'mail' - nuisance or opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Junk 'mail' - nuisance or opportunity - Essay Example For example, it would not make sense to send direct mailings in a mass strategy when there is only a fraction of the population with the cash resources to buy your product. At the leadership level, direct mail can be a disadvantage if the business does not have a well-trained and knowledgeable marketing staff able to ensure the information is targeted correctly. A recent study identified that many consumers would not even bother to open a piece of direct mail if they noticed an obvious mistake (McLuhan, 2008). This would require the company to closely monitor issues of editing and content when developing the direct mail literature. Sometimes these are sent out to third party printers, which make error correction and checking prior to mailing very important. Even in the electronic mail environment, if the information has grammatical errors it can be a serious disadvantage to company reputation. This is especially true considering that three quarters of all consumers surveyed said they would not even open the junk mail. There are advantages to junk mail, however, including growth in sales coming from catalogues. â€Å"The catalogue is seen as something of a renaissance marketing tool† which generated sales of over  £3.6 billion in 2004 (Marketing Week, 2005, p.37). This means that there are consumers who are attracted by the look and pictures of catalogues or they simply find them to be convenient methods to order merchandise. For the older consumer who might be intimidated by the online environment, catalogues sent to this group will likely have more sales results. Growth in the Internet across the world continues to climb as nations become more developed and have better electronic infrastructures. With more people online, this represents more marketing opportunity to reach more audiences and find more sales growth. Even

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Effective mediated communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effective mediated communication - Essay Example Few people write letters or read the newspaper anymore as these are seemingly archaic methods of communication. Neither provides instant information, a tool that is today essential for businesses to compete and simply a fact of life that is taken for granted for most in the U.S. â€Å"Nowadays, we think nothing of emailing our aunts in Germany and getting an answer back within minutes, or seeing the latest streaming video full of up to the minute news† (Boswell, 2006). There are as many disadvantages as advantages offered in this mode of communication as messages are misread, misdirected, misunderstood or simply go missing. While several of these issues don’t arise when people are given the opportunity to communicate on a face-to-face basis, an entirely new set of issues are introduced as messages are forgotten, lose their focus or the participants become sidetracked on other issues or other external events. The purpose of this paper is to discover just what are the str engths and weaknesses of face to face communication as they compare with the strengths and weaknesses of hard copy communication methods. For many people, face to face communication is the best means of interacting with another person for a variety of reasons. People who communicate face to face are obviously able to do so in a real-time format, meaning that it occurs for both people at the same time as they are looking at each other. When the conversation reaches a point where greater clarification or further discussion is felt necessary, this conversation has the opportunity of taking place immediately. According to Adler et al (2007), this attribute of synchronicity is the first of three significant features of oral face to face communication. The second significant feature is the richness of information that can be obtained through this method of communication. While two people are looking at each other,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Development of a Free Source for Internet

Development of a Free Source for Internet Ebrahim Ali Otaif Suggestion for a free source for Internet for TTC The project aims to provide a new way to give the internet for Technical Trainers College for free and design it and build it for them. The data will be collected from the research websites and finished the survey in these websites. The target group of my project is the poor students in TTC also the poor staff in TTC. The collected data it will be analyzed and show to the students with reasons. The design method will be tested throughout the interviewing be the experts and the students. The expected result is to provide solving a problem for internet for TTC. 1.1. Key words: Development a free source for Internet Enhancing a free source for internet Improvement internet source Providing a free source for internet Introduction of a free source for internet Found a free source for internet Create a free source for internet Try a free source for internet Made a free source for internet Modify a free source for internet Example of a free source for internet Design a free source for internet Build a free source for internet Test a free source for internet Planning a free source for internet Manage a free source for internet Increase the ways of a free source for internet Change the ways of a free source for internet Choose a way of a free source for internet Implement a free source for internet Giving the internet for everyone will result in significant improvements in other key areas including social, cultural, political and global peace Emdad Khan (2011). For many people, the internet has become such a pervasive, fundamental part of daily life and business that it is hard to fathom that over 4 billion people more than 55% of the worlds population are still not online Many of those simply do not have access: they live in hard-to-reach rural areas or do not have digital or other basic infrastructure. Some simply do not see the benefits of being connected, often because of limited relevant digital content. Others are illiterate; many are poor.(The Boston Consulting Group, 2017) Figure 1: Twenty countries are home to three-quarters of the 4.3 billion internet non-users of internet. 2.1. Keywords: Part of daily life Do not have access Basic infrastructure Many are poor 2.2. Main ideas based on key words: Improve part of our daily life Proved internet access Replace the basic infrastructure Help the people Nowadays the internet is importing rescuers to our live that help the user on everything and make his job easy. There are many students or staff at TTC does not have access to the internet because they are poor or the Wi-Fi signal of the TTC is too bad. We should change our infrastructure from cabling on the ground to the air on the sky. Giving free internet to the poor people it helps in their life and makes them happy. (The Boston Consulting Group, 2016) There are many ways to deliver free internet and these ways come from different companies ideas, some companies are exploring the potential to solve coverage issues using satellites4everyone, balloons or stratospheric solar planes. Even if such solutions are speculative and for the long term, they deserve consideration and support from public authorities when necessary, such as accommodating airspace regulations and allocating suitable spectrum. (The Boston Consulting Group, 2016) The study of KATIKALA (2014) the aims of this paper to describes or overview about google Balloon that will powered Internet for everyone and the purpose of the idea how to provide the wireless network to remote areas to connect the people. The result of this study the balloon idea could be work and help countries to avoid the cost of underground infrastructure. The befits of this paper it helps me to know this idea and how it work and what the advantages if we use it. The study of PANDEY BHATTACHARYA (2014) they aims of this paper to show that traditional satellite systems along with the cellular networks it was great technology but the costs of equipments it was huge and cannot be done to everyone. The result of this study indicate that balloon with ad hoc mesh network It will enhance the current standard of living for the humans by giving Internet services. As previous studies mentioned the aim if this study is to provide a problem-solving. The idea here is to solve the problem of internet access for TTC students. The current study is going to answer the question of: Suggestion for a free source for Internet for TTC References Internet for Everyone: Reshaping the Global Economy by Bridging the Digital Divide, Emdad Khan (2011), 204 pages. The Boston Consulting Group (2016). Broadband Commission Special Session at the World Economic Forum: 21 January 2016, Davos, Switzerland.   (Accessed on 17.01.2017) The Boston Consulting Group (2016). Internet for All A Framework for Accelerating Internet Access and Adoption, World Economic Forum White Paper.   (Accessed on 17.01.2017) KATIKALA, S. (2014). GOOGLEà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ PROJECT LOON, RIVIER ACADEMIC JOURNAL, Volume 10, Number 2. PANDEY, M BHATTACHARYA, S. (2014). BALLOONED WIRELESS NETWORK FOR FREE INTERNET ACCESS, Vol. 4, Issue 2.

Friday, October 25, 2019

austins theory of law :: essays research papers

Laws in the most general sense are rules made by one intelligent being for the guidance of another intelligent being, the former having power over the latter. - All laws are a species of command, a command being an expression of a wish or desire that some other person do something. Commands can only be issued by one who has the power and intention to inflict a sanction in the event of disobedience. - A legal duty is a liability to a sanction for refusal to comply with a command. Hence, commands and duties are correlative; there can’t be one without the other. Commands are said to bind or oblige the person to whom they are directed. Sanctions are always intended to be evils, never goods. Rewards (bribes) cannot be sanctions. - Conclusion regarding the basic definition of law: a command that obliges a person to observe a general course of conduct, issued by a superior (in power) to an inferior. - Special problems: Customary laws and rules of common morality which may appear to oblige independently of any superior power are not really laws until recognized by a court. Common laws (judge-made law) likewise may appear not to stem from a superior power. Austin argues such laws are tacitly commanded by the state. Legal rights are creatures of law, but they are not exercised by following orders; the option to exercise a right is up to the owner of the right. Austin: no law creates a right without also creating a correlative duty, hence the link with commands. - Positive Law is a set of commands issued by a sovereign to his subjects. The sovereign is a determinate person or group (a) who receives habitual obedience from the bulk of society (he is the superior power within his society) and (b) is not in a habit of obedience to a like superior group (independent of any other

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) Essay

Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) is one of the procedures of EIA adopted in Malaysia. The DEIA report will be prepared after the Preliminary EIA was approved by the Department Of Environmental. Detailed EIA is a procedure undertaken for those projects with major or significant impacts to the environment. The Procedure for Detailed EIA. Figure 1 shows the procedure involved in DEIA The detailed assessment involves EIA report display for the public and affected community to comment. The examples of activities which need to go through the Detailed EIA procedure are listed in List 1. Notwithstanding the list in List 1, the Director General of Environment has the prerogative to request a detailed assessment of a project which has significant impacts to the environment of projects which are located in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas. List of Prescribed Activities Which Require Detailed EIA 1. Iron and steel industry. 2. Pulp and paper mills. 3. Cement plant. 4. Construction of coal fired power plant. 5. Construction of dams for water supply and hydroelectric power schemes. 6. Land reclamation. 7. Incineration plant (scheduled wastes & solid wastes). 8. Construction of municipal solid waste landfill facility (including municipal solid waste transfer station). 9. Project involving land clearing where 50% of the area or more having slopes exceeding 25 degrees (except quarry). 10. Logging covering an area exceeding 500 hectares or more. 11. Development of tourist or recreational facilities on islands in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks. 12. Construction of recovery plant (off-site) for lead-acid battery wastes 13. Scheduled wastes recovery or treatment facility generating significant amount of wastewater which is located upstream of public water supply intake. 14. Non-ferrous – Primary smelting. List 1 shows examples of activities that need DEIA After the DEIA report being approved by the DOE approval, a paper advertisement is carries out for public’s comment. The DEIA report could be purchased for any individual parties that interested into it. For example, a DEIA report could be purchased with RM 1,000.00. The advertisement is opened for the public view in a certain period of time. After the duration for the public’s comments on the prescribed activities related with the DEIA report, the construction process is started. Prescribed Activity started DEIA amendment prior to public’s comment Paper advertisement for public’s comment DEIA approved Submission of DEIA for approval Preparation of DEIA PEIA approved

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis of Political Theory Essay

There are two political theories that I combined and will implement if I were to be placed as the highest-ranking official of the country. These are the theories of Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I chose to unite the two theories because both of them, as I was reading through its contents, had the biggest impact on me than all the other theories I researched for. The joined theories would build up my ideal state as a leader of the country so that I may be able to take the people to a better state of life, in my innocent opinion as part of this country’s youth. First, allow me to discuss to you Immanuel Kant’s political philosophy. His approach to politics favored classical republicanism. The doctrine of Rechtsstaat is Kant’s biggest contribution in the philosophy of law and politics. According to this doctrine, the power of the state is limited in order to protect citizens from the arbitrary exercise of power. In a Rechtsstaat, the citizens share legally based civil liberties. It is a constitutional state in which the exercise of governmental power is constrained by law. It is often tied with the Anglo-American rule of law. Now, what is the rule of law? It is a legal maxim that suggests that governmental decisions be made by applying known legal principles. Aristotle one quoted, â€Å"Law should govern†. It implies that every citizen is subject to the law. It stands in contrast to the idea that a ruler is above the law, for example by divine right. Going back to Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, he also supported the separation of powers of the executive, legislative and judicative branches of government. The executive and the judicative are bound by law, while the legislative is bound by constitutional principles. Rechtsstaat also requires transparency  of state acts and the requirement of providing a reason for all state acts. The doctrine also demands for a hierarchy of laws and the requirement of clarity and definiteness. Now, the world has indeed seen the applications and implementations of the Rechtsstaat through Russia’s legal system. The  Russian legal system, born out of transformations in the 19th century under the reforms of Emperor  Alexander II, is based primarily upon the German legal tradition. It was from here that Russia borrowed a doctrine of  Rechtsstaat, which literally translates as  legal state. The concept of â€Å"legal state† is a fundamental (but undefined) principle that appears in the very first dispositive provision of Russia’s  post-Communist constitution: â€Å"The Russian Federation – Russia – constitutes a democratic federative legal state with a republican form of governance. † Similarly, the very first dispositive provision of Ukraine’s Constitution declares: â€Å"Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. † The effort to give meaning to the expression â€Å"legal state† is anything but theoretical. Valery Zorkin, President of the Constitutional Court of Russia, wrote in 2003: Becoming a legal state has long been our ultimate goal, and we have certainly made serious progress in this direction over the past several years. However, no one can say now that we have reached this destination. Such a legal state simply cannot exist without a lawful and just society. Here, as in no other sphere of our life, the state reflects the level of maturity reached by society. Rechtsstaat has also approached Russia’s constitutional economics. The Russian concept of legal state adopted many elements of  constitutional economics. One of the founders of constitutional economics, James M. Buchanan, the 1986 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, argues that, in the framework of constitutional government, any governmental intervention and regulation has been based on three assumptions. First, every failure of the  market economy to function smoothly and perfectly can be corrected by governmental intervention. Second, those holding political office and manning the bureaucracies are altruistic upholders of the  public interest, unconcerned with their own personal economic well-being. And, third, changing the responsibilities of government towards more intervention and control will not profoundly and perversely affect the social and economic order. Some Russian researchers are supporting an idea that, in the 21st century, the concept of the legal state has become not only a legal but also an economic concept – at least for Russia and many other transitional and developing countries. Let us now move on to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s political theory. His most important work is The Social Contract, which outlines the basis for a legitimate political order within a framework of classical republican. The treatise begins with the dramatic opening lines, â€Å"Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they. † Rousseau claimed that the state of nature was a primitive condition without law or morality, which human beings left for the benefits and necessity of cooperation. As society developed, division of labor and private property required the human race to adopt institutions of law. In the degenerate phase of society, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men while also becoming increasingly dependent on them. This double pressure threatens both his survival and his freedom. According to Rousseau, by joining together into civil society through the social contract and abandoning their claims of natural right, individuals can both preserve themselves and remain free. This is because submission to the authority of the  general will  of the people as a whole guarantees individuals against being subordinated to the wills of others and also ensures that they obey themselves because they are, collectively, the authors of the law. Although Rousseau argues that  sovereignty  (or the power to make the laws) should be in the hands of the people, he also makes a sharp distinction between the sovereign and the  government. The government is composed of magistrates, charged with implementing and enforcing the general will. The â€Å"sovereign† is the rule of law, ideally decided on by  direct democracy  in an assembly. Under a monarchy, however, the real sovereign is still the law. Rousseau was opposed to the idea that the people should exercise sovereignty via a  representative assembly. France could not meet Rousseau’s criterion of an ideal state because it was too big. Much subsequent controversy about Rousseau’s work has hinged on disagreements concerning his claims that citizens constrained to obey the general will are thereby rendered free: The notion of the general will is wholly central to Rousseau’s theory of political legitimacy. †¦ It is, however, an unfortunately obscure and controversial notion. Some commentators see it as no more than the dictatorship of the proletariat or the tyranny of the urban poor (such as may perhaps be seen in the French Revolution). Such was not Rousseau’s meaning. This is clear from the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Discourse on Political Economy†, where Rousseau emphasizes that the general will exists to protect individuals against the mass, not to require them to be sacrificed to it. He is, of course, sharply aware that men have selfish and sectional interests which will lead them to try to oppress others. It is for this reason that loyalty to the good of all alike must be a supreme (although not exclusive) commitment by everyone, not only if a truly general will is to be heeded but also if it is to be formulated successfully in the first place†. French revolutionaries read the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This would suggest that his philosophy was one of the proponents that sparked the French Revolution among the commoners. In brief, Rousseau believed in the natural goodness of man; that humans were corrupted by the greed and competition of civilization. He believed in a social utopia, of humans returning to natural harmony, being made free of vices and sharing a natural equality and a general will. These ideas appealed to many people, including some of the people instrumental in the events leading to the French Revolution, such as the oath at the Tennis Court. In a country where a wealthy minority indulged themselves while hundreds of thousands suffered from severe poverty and inflation, people yearned for a basic equality, natural or government ordained. Many felt that if the general will (or the will of the people) was for change, that the current government was expected to make compromises. The First Estate of the French government was against these changes, the Second Estate was to some extent and later cast its lot in with the Third Estate. Later the idea of a utopian government changed to ‘the will of the people’ (although how successful this was carried out can be debated, in both France and the U. S. ) Maximillien Robespierre, who played an important part in the middle to later events in the Revolution and was one of the architects of the Terror, was deeply influenced in his youth by Rousseau’s writings. My report would end at this, since only this stuff is what is asked of us. But if you would ask me, I wouldn’t agree to all things mentioned by the two philosophers. I, of course, would make a few reforms here and there. For example, the abandonment of our natural rights as said in The Social Contract. In the contemporary world, one would want to forget about their natural right for general will. Sure, the idea of general will sounds very convenient, but if you think about it, it’s not worth giving up your natural rights for.